
Time Sheet Genies are custom applications. Pricing depends on programming complexity, and how often you request changes after your Genie is launched. Our pricing is based on an algorithm that calculates the amount of work involved, meaning that every client is treated equally.

This calculator provides an annual price estimate for a Genie managing multiple courses in a combined academic program. For example, a two year M.Sc., M.A., or Basic Medical Sciences program. Please enter your program details for an instant estimate. Please note that a course change refers to any change in start time, lecture length, or switching lecture days from one term to another. Switching out an entire course, or adding new courses to the curriculum, also constitutes a change. A course is only deemed static if it keeps its course code and title, and does not change its time or any lecture days from one term to another. (*JavaScript must be enabled on your browser).

Price up your Genie!

Q1. How many courses (i.e., unique codes codes) do you want your Genie to manage?

Q2. How many academic terms per year does your program run?

Q3. How many changes do you make to your course schedule each term?
Never. All of our courses are completely static
Up to one quarter of our courses are subject to changes each term
Between a quarter and up to one half of our courses are subject to change each term
Between one half and three quarters of our courses are subject to change each term
Over three quarters of our courses are subject to change each term